A website is a must-have digital and online presence of your business. As internet users are increasing day by day, more people are looking for services online that your company offers. An optimized website is a website that drives organic traffic and converts visitors into leads. Let's discuss both of these paradigms in detail.


Drive organic traffic to your website

Organic traffic refers to the web traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc. It is a free source of web traffic. A well-performing website has a good ranking on search engine results pages. A well-performing website in the eyes of search engines algorithms has these characteristics.

Website page speed

Nowadays, the search engine algorithm also takes the website load speed and its performance into indexing and ranking websites. The website with low performance is getting low ranked by the search engines because the search engines don’t want to show slow loading and poorly developed websites.

Related article: Site speed and performance: What you can do with HubSpot CMS

According to the website DoubleClick, the average load time of a website on mobile is 19 seconds over a 3G connection and almost 53% of mobile websites are abandoned if the page is taking longer than 3 seconds to load.

According to Mobify, for every 100 milliseconds decrease in the page load time, you get a 1.1% increase in the conversion rate and the revenue. So, the website speed and performance are differentiators.

Below you can see the best practices which help in improving the page load speed and decreasing its size as well.

  • Use compressed images
  • Use lazy loading on images
  • Use minified CSS and JS assets
  • Use fewer HTTP request on your webpages


Mobile responsiveness

A mobile responsive website is a website that renders and performs well on a mobile device as well. Today, a website without mobile responsiveness is inevitable. In early 2019, Google announced that it is going to split its search result into 2 indexes, one for mobile and one for desktop. So, the mobile optimized website is now also a priority for marketers and SEO. The mobile optimization also comes with page load speed.

Convert visitors into leads

Getting traffic to your website is not enough for having an optimized website in 2023, the website must be able to convert visitors into leads and potential customers. Therefor, the website should be improved continuously. Now, the next step is to convert the visitors into leads, nurture them and make your web traffic worth visiting.

To engage the visitors on your website you need an effective Call-to-Action (CTA) and appealing content with offers.

An effective Call-to-Action (CTA)

For an effective CTA on your web pages:

  • Make the text reasonably big and bold.
  • Make sure it looks attractive, pleasant, and appealing to your audience.
  • Make sure it looks clickable and gives feedback to visitors upon click.


An effective form

The lead capturing forms also play an important role in conversion rate. The number of input fields in the form is inversely proportional to the conversion rate, the more fields you have, the less lead capturing will be.

  • Only ask for information that is needed at the initial stage (For example email address)
  • These days people are more concerned about spam emails. So, add a privacy message stating that their email address won’t be shared or used for another business purpose.
  • Try avoiding using ”SUBMIT” as CTA text. Instead of using “SUBMIT”, you can use “Subscribe to news” or “Download e-book” etc.
  • Always display a well-written and appealing thank you upon the successful submission of the form.

Need a new website? Learn more about our Sales ready website service and how we can help you here.