Bio-Works increases online sales with HubSpot - Shopify integrated webshop

iGoMoon helped Bio-Works with integrating their new Shopify webshop with HubSpot to drive online sales and create seamless customer experiences


Bio-Works needed to implement a modern online sales solution to be able to strive for their goal to reach the global market and meet the needs of modern customers who prefer going through the entire buyer's journey online. Today, Bio-Works has a global sales team which is focused on specific markets in Europe and North America.

The solution for Bio-Works was to invest in a Shopify webshop, which iGoMoon helped integrating with HubSpot. It's a two-way synchronization which allows Bio-Works to provide their customers with a seamless experience and making sure they have a clear overview of their customer data and sales number in one place and real-time. 

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The problem

Bio-Works has been working with a fairly conservative sales process which requires customers to be in contact with their sales team, it's however not uncommon in their industry. Earlier they tried a webshop solution, but it wasn't effective and did not meet the expectations of how they wanted the user experience to be. This solution didn't generate desired online sales either.

The sales process Bio-Works has in place has limited them to focus on the specific markets they're active in today. But they have a goal to reach the global market and to meet the needs of modern customers which are more used to an online experience.


The solution

Bio-Works were already committed to the HubSpot platform before the start of this project but needed an e-commerce platform fo their webshop. They decided to go with Shopify because of the integration opportunities with HubSpot.

iGoMoon made the integration between the two systems with a two-way synchronization which enables the synchronization of all orders and customer dat from Shopify to HubSpot. Whenever an order is placed in the Shopify platform, it automatically creates a deal in their HubSpot sales pipeline and set the stage to closed won, with this they have a real-time overview of all their sales.

To create the best seamless experiences for their customers, Bio-Works wanted their Shopify platform to have the same look and feel as their existing HubSpot site. To make this possible Bio-Works had to upgrade their HubSpot license and get the Operations Hub Professional license which enables programmable automation. This allowed the development team at iGoMoon to install their own script in the backend of the HubSpot server and implement it in a scheduled workflow. This workflow pulls theme assets from HubSpot on a daily basis and keeps the Shopify platform updated. 

In addition, the development team at iGoMoon also developed a new header for Bio-Works which includes a mega-menu for the products section.

We have not only been able to scope the project well in the beginning, and then actually deliver on time and budget. But what’s been even more helpful, is the suggestions the iGoMoon team proactively has come up with and how we can implement them.
Jonathan Royce, CEO at Bio-Works

The result

The most significant result Bio-Works have seen, just a few months after the launch is their online sales going from zero to more than 20.000 euros. These sales results have not required any major marketing activities, which means that Bio-Works have a great opportunity to increase their sales even more. 

Now they have the tools in place to create the seamless customer experiences they want, where customers won't notice that they have been redirected to another platform. They also have the tools to gather customer data about potential buyers and to personalize the experience for the customers where they can see e.g. recently viewed products and what they have left in the shopping cart if they check-out without making a purchase.

This integration and modern sales solution also provides them with internal benefits, it's easy to use and all team members can make updates to product descriptions and such quickly whenever it's needed.




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