#Månresan avsnitt 217: How to get back to work after vacation
Vacation is over and the iGoMoon crew is back at the office. As usual, after vacation, there are a lot of things to catch up on. We get to follow Frank and hear what he did in order to get back on track quickly after vacation.
Frank was previously freelancing and he talks about how he managed his time and focus as a freelancer compared to how he does it now, working as an employee in a team at iGomoon. We also talk about goal setting and motivation, and of course, the "horse-race" at iGoMoon.
We also checked how much Frank knows about Sweden by testing him on a couple of questions regarding Swedish celebrities, traditions, meals, and other typical Swedish things. Check the episode to see if Frank (who originally is from Australia) passed our inofficial Swedish test or not. (Frank also shared his first experience with surströmming.)